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UAE Power of Attorney

Unlock the Gateway to Success in the UAE with Our Expert UAE Power of Attorney Solutions

UAE Power of Attorney

Need a Power of Attorney in the UAE? Look no further. With our online UAE Power of Attorney service, you can now handle your legal matters with ease from the comfort of your own home. Our streamlined process ensures convenience and efficiency, saving you time and hassle.

Easy Process: Our online platform allows you to complete the Power of Attorney process quickly and conveniently, without the need for any physical visits.

Our experienced legal team will ensure that your Power of Attorney is prepared accurately and in accordance with UAE law, giving you peace of mind knowing that your legal matters are in good hands.

Efficiency: With our streamlined process, you can avoid the delays and paperwork associated with traditional methods of obtaining a Power of Attorney.

Empower your business with our comprehensive services for obtaining a Power of Attorney (POA) in the UAE. Whether you need to delegate authority for legal, financial, or operational matters, our expert team is here to guide you through the process with efficiency and precision. Here's how we can assist you:

Consultation and Guidance:

We provide personalized consultation to understand your specific requirements and objectives for obtaining a Power of Attorney in the UAE. Our experts offer guidance on the types of POAs available, their legal implications, and the steps involved in the process.

Drafting and Documentation:

Our experienced legal team drafts the necessary documents required for obtaining a Power of Attorney in compliance with UAE laws and regulations. We ensure that the POA accurately reflects your intentions and covers all relevant aspects of authority delegation.

Notarization and Attestation:

We handle the notarization and attestation of the Power of Attorney documents through the appropriate authorities in the UAE. Our streamlined process ensures that your POA is legally recognized and enforceable for the intended purposes.

Step-by-Step Guide to UAE Power of Attorney (POA)

Navigating the process of obtaining a Power of Attorney (POA) in the UAE can be complex, but with the right guidance, it can be streamlined and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

01  Define the Scope of Authority:

  • Determine the specific powers you wish to delegate through the Power of Attorney. Consider whether you need a general POA granting broad authority or a special POA for specific transactions or purposes.
  • Choose a trusted individual or entity to act as your attorney or agent. This person will be authorized to make decisions and take actions on your behalf, so it’s essential to select someone reliable and competent.

02  Consult Legal Counsel:

  • Seek advice from a qualified legal professional familiar with UAE laws and regulations regarding Power of Attorney. A lawyer can provide guidance on the legal implications of granting a POA and ensure that your interests are protected.
  • Work with your legal advisor to draft the Power of Attorney document. Include detailed provisions outlining the scope of authority, duration of the POA, and any specific instructions or limitations.

03  Notarization and Attestation:

  • Have the POA document notarized by a Notary Public in the UAE. This step involves verifying the authenticity of the document and the signatures of the parties involved. Some POA documents may also require attestation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or relevant authorities.
  • Depending on the purpose of the POA, you may need to submit the document to specific government departments or entities for further processing. For example, if the POA is related to real estate transactions, it may need to be registered with the Dubai Land Department.

04  Review and Execution:

  • Review the POA document carefully to ensure that all details are accurate and complete. Once satisfied, sign the document in the presence of witnesses or a Notary Public as required by UAE law. If you are unable to sign in person, you may appoint a representative to sign on your behalf through a special POA.
  • Retain copies of the executed POA document for your records. It’s essential to have a clear record of the authority you’ve delegated and the terms of the agreement for future reference.

Why Choose Us

When embarking on the journey of business setup in the UAE, selecting the right partner to guide you through the intricacies of the process is paramount. At Smart Classic, we pride ourselves on being the premier choice for entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to establish their presence in the UAE. Here's why you should choose us:


With years of unparalleled experience in the field, we have amassed invaluable insights and expertise in navigating the complexities of business setup in the UAE. Our track record of success speaks volumes, demonstrating our ability to deliver exceptional results for our clients time and time again.


Our team comprises seasoned professionals who are well-versed in UAE business laws, regulations, and market dynamics. We stay abreast of the latest developments in the business landscape, allowing us to provide informed guidance and tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each client.

Client Satisfaction

Our ultimate goal is the success and satisfaction of our clients. We measure our success not only by the businesses we help establish but also by the relationships we cultivate along the way. We take pride in our extensive portfolio of satisfied clients who have benefited from our services and continue to entrust us with their business needs.


Navigating the landscape of business setup in the UAE can raise numerous questions and concerns. Below, we address some of the most common queries to provide clarity and guidance on the process, legal requirements, costs, timelines, and more. If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out to our team for personalized assistance.

A Power of Attorney is a legal document that grants authority to an appointed individual or entity (the attorney-in-fact) to act on behalf of another person (the principal) in various legal, financial, or personal matters.

In the UAE, there are two primary types of Powers of Attorney: general and special. A general POA grants broad authority to the attorney-in-fact to handle all matters on behalf of the principal, while a special POA specifies limited powers for specific transactions or purposes.

The powers delegated through a Power of Attorney can vary depending on the terms of the document. Common powers include the authority to manage financial affairs, conduct real estate transactions, sign contracts, make medical decisions, and represent the principal in legal proceedings.

Yes, the principal has the right to revoke or amend a Power of Attorney at any time, provided they are of sound mind and legal age. Revocation or amendment can be done by executing a new POA document or through written notification to the attorney-in-fact and relevant authorities.

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